Yusuke Honma
Yusuke Honma
Head of Japan

Clover Aviation Capital


Before joining Clover Aviation Capital, he spent more than 10 years with the aircraft leasing team in ORIX Corporation, where he was actively engaged in JOL, JOLCO and other transactions and has a wide-ranging airline and investor contacts network based in Japan.

Worked for ORIX Aviation Hong Kong in his capacity as company director and one of the founding members where he oversaw the deal evaluation and portfolio management.

Once appointed as the director of Tune Hotels.com Ltd., a Malaysian budget hotel chain established by AirAsia Group, in which ORIX Corporation had a minor shareholding.

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Main Stream

JOL/JOLCO投資家のための新銘柄へのアクセス / Accessing New Credits for JOL/JOLCO Investors

Takahiro Yoshiga
Executive Officer,
SBI Leasing Services
Yoshifumi Tamura
General Manager,
Nomura Babcock & Brown
Keiichi Nakamura
Executive Officer,
Yusuke Honma
Head of Japan,
Clover Aviation Capital
Keisuke Imon
Watson Farley & Williams

パネルセッション 日本語 / Panel - Japanese

  •  いかにしてアレンジャーは新銘柄エアラインへアクセスするのか?(米国エアラインおよび新興国エアラインのケーススタディ)
  • 為替変動への対応

  • How can arrangers tap into new airline credits? Case studies of US credit and emerging market credit
  • Dealing with exchange rate fluctuations