Yasuhiro Nakauchi
Yasuhiro Nakauchi
Senior Director

JP Lease


Yasuhiro Nakauchi started his career in 2001 as a commercial banker at Mizuho Bank. In 2003, he has been relocated to the Structured Finance Group of Mizuho Securities to arrange asset finance products and securitization products. He has financed various transportation assets such as aircraft, ship and rail-rolling stock. He has arranged the world first US-ExIm Bank guaranteed JPY bond in 2013, the world first US-ExIm Bank guaranteed JPY engine finance loan in 2014, and the world first JPY-EETC with JOLCO in 2015. He has been awarded the “Deal of the Year” from Airfinance Journal in 2014 and 2015. In the securitization field, he has arranged large ticket synthetic CLOs more than 1 trillion yen worth for a Japanese bank. In 2017, he has assumed the Deputy Head of Debt Syndication Department of Mizuho Securities to syndicate ABS and securitization products arranged in Japan. From 2022, he joined JLPS and is arranging JOLCOs and other Japanese aviation products for airlines and investors.

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オペレーティング・リースをめぐるレッサーの視点 / Lessor’s Perspective on the Operating Lease

David Houlihan
DAE Capital
Yasuhiro Nakauchi
Senior Director,
JP Lease
Takamasa Marito
Joint General Manager Aviation Finance,
Tokyo Century Corporation
Donal O'Neill
Managing Director Northeast Asia & Oceania,
Akihiko Takamatsu
Norton Rose Fulbright

パネルディスカッション – 英語 / Panel Discussion With Slides – English

  • ポストコロナのJOL/JOLCO市場の変化 
  • 日本の投資家市場において、レッサーはオペレーティング・リースビジネスの展開をどのように考えているのか?課題およびチャンスは何か?
  • 本邦以外のレッサーがこの市場で関わりを深める方法は?
  • 航空機のトレーディングはどのくらい競争力があるのか?案件成立の難易度は現在どの程度なのか?資金調達、そして機材のマーケティング環境と共に理解を深める。

  • How has the JOL/JOLCO market changed since Covid?  
  • Where do lessor’s see the Operating Lease business developing for the Japanese investor market? What are the challenges and opportunities?
  • How can non-Japanese lessors become more involved in the market?
  • How competitive is trading aircraft? How difficult is it win deals? Financing? Marketing the aircraft?