Katsuhiko Ando
Katsuhiko Ando

Dynam Aviation Ireland


Katsuhiko Ando, CEO of Dynam Aviation since its foundation in 2019, has over 35 years experience in structured and aviation finance as well as the wider aircraft leasing business.

Prior to joining Dynam Aviation, he worked for, FPG Amentum (Dublin) as a Director covering the business for the 'Japanese Operating Lease' market and other 3rd party investors, and major banks, including BNP Paribas and Royal Bank of Scotland, heading up various structured finance businesses.

He is a graduate of Tokyo University (BA in Economics) and International University of Japan (MA in International Relations).

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航空ファイナンスにおける投資家関与の発展 / Evolving Equity Investor Engagement Across Aviation Finance

Katsuhiko Ando
Dynam Aviation Ireland
Hwanjin Lee
Tatsumi Corporation
Masayuki Takahashi
Executive Manager,
NTT TC Leasing
Yasuhiro Kataoka

パネルディスカッション – 日本語 / Panel discussion – Japanes

  • リース・プラットフォーム構築の機微を理解する。伝統的な機関投資家のビジネスモデルとの違いは?(リース・プラットフォームを構築することに加えて、投資家が取り入れることのできる機会とは?)
  • 日本の投資家と欧米の投資家の違いを検証。成功事例と学ぶべき教訓とは?
  • 今後のビジネスの発展と展開

  • Understanding the nuances of creating a leasing platform. Could this work with the traditional institutional investor business models? (Are there other opportunities we can include in addition to creating a leasing platform?)
  • Examining the differences between Japanese and Western investors. What are the best practices and lessons that can be learned? 
  • Future business growth and development