Masayuki Takahashi
Masayuki Takahashi
Executive Manager

NTT TC Leasing


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パネルディスカッション – 日本語 / Panel discussion – Japanes

  • リース・プラットフォーム構築の機微を理解する。伝統的な機関投資家のビジネスモデルとの違いは?(リース・プラットフォームを構築することに加えて、投資家が取り入れることのできる機会とは?)
  • 日本の投資家と欧米の投資家の違いを検証。成功事例と学ぶべき教訓とは?
  • 今後のビジネスの発展と展開

  • Understanding the nuances of creating a leasing platform. Could this work with the traditional institutional investor business models? (Are there other opportunities we can include in addition to creating a leasing platform?)
  • Examining the differences between Japanese and Western investors. What are the best practices and lessons that can be learned? 
  • Future business growth and development
Katsuhiko Ando
CEO, Dynam Aviation Ireland
Hwanjin Lee
CEO, Tatsumi Corporation
Masayuki Takahashi
Executive Manager, NTT TC Leasing
Yasuhiro Kataoka
CEO, iStrings