Hideki Ochiai
Hideki Ochiai
Vice President

Japan Airlines


Hideki Ochiai has more than 30 years of experience in engineering, maintenance planning, and quality assurance in JAL's Maintenance Division and is currently a Vice President in charge of sustainability in the ESG Promotion Department, where he is mainly responsible for decarbonization projects in the air transport industry. After the adoption of ICAO's long-term goal (LTAG) at the 2022 General Assembly, he has been involved in the actual operational design of CORSIA, the development of pathways to achieve the long-term goal, and the actual operational design of CORSIA through collaboration with the authorities and airlines. The LTAG is engaged in the operational design work of CORSIA.

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エアライン・サステナビリティ:脱炭素化にむけた航空会社の取り組みとは? / Airline sustainability: What are airlines doing to decarbonise now?

Hideki Ochiai
Vice President,
Japan Airlines
Jean-Pierre Stainnack
Senior Vice President,
Claudia Hügel
Senior Director Corporate Responsibility, Head of ESG Rating & Reporting,
Lufthansa Group
Fernando Grau
Sales Director APAC - Commercial Aviation,
Embraer Asia Pacific
Todd Siena
Block Aero

プレゼンテーション& パネルディスカッション英日の言語併用 / Presentation & Panel Discussion – Mixed Language

  • ケーススタディ:トップクラス航空会社の脱炭素化とESG報告要件の取り組みを理解する 
  • SAFの生産能力と需要の関係を理解し、主要な規制当局による動向について学ぶ。
  • サプライヤーによる航空会社への働きかけはどのような仕組みなのか?欧州と米国からのSAFの利用を学ぶ。 
  • EU排出取引制度(ETS)とは何か?航空会社のアプローチ手法とグリーンウォッシュを避けるにはどうすべきかを議論する。 

  • Case study: What are top airline credits are doing to decarbonise and meet ESG reporting requirements? 
  • Understanding SAF production capacity vs. demand. What are the key regulatory developments? 
  • How are suppliers approaching airlines? What can be learned from Europe and the US in terms of SAF utilisation? 
  • What is the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS)? How are airlines approaching this and how can they avoid green washing?